
Dean Gotcher

Elements necessary to convert a traditional mind into a transformational mind: Brainwashing.
The major phases of socialization:
Steps of behavioral change.
    Facilitated Meeting.
    Open ended.
    Aversion of any closed worldview.
    Tolerance—Non-judgmental environment.
    Social issue—sensuous, material, cosmic, respect of men.
    Consensus—sensuous, orgiastic unity.
The Dialectic Taxonomy.


(Outcome-Based Education, Total Quality Management, School-to-Work, Church Growth, Emerging Church, etc.)


To give consensus to the following procedure is to endorse socialism.


Elements necessary to convert a traditional mind into a transformational mind: Brainwashing.

            Facilitate meeting:  open-ended, non-directed, offended by any closed worldview.

            Non-judgmental environment:  free to be spontaneous.  Be positive, not negative.

            Dialogue:  express thoughts and feelings on a social issue.

Social issue:  attended to natural/man made problems/events which (might) affect everyone.

            Diversity:  experience tolerating differences for the sake of solving a common problem (putting aside right and wrong for social cause, i.e. harmony).

            Consensus:  conceding to those things which everyone can embrace. Experiencing the "gratification" of developing unity out of diversity.

The major phases of socialization:

            Thesis – "Where do you stand?" i.e. How you think? "Getting to know you, getting to know all about you."  The thesis interrogation.

            Antithesis – "Where do others stand?"  Getting to know somebody/someplace/ something else.  "Have you ever felt like doing it another way."  Not opposite, just different.

            Synthesis – "Where do we all stand together?"  Getting to know what we all have in common.  "Lets try it both ways at once, using what unites, putting aside what divides."

The sub phases found in each major phase:

            Thesis – To know.  Facts divide us.

            Antithesis – To feel.  Feelings change us.

            Synthesis – To reason.  Felt facts unite us.

Steps of behavioral change used in OBE, TQM, STW, CG, EC, etc.:

            Your position on an issue.  What you believe or know to be true.

            Your definition of your position.  Is it yours or someone else's?

            Your self-realization that you can not redefine your position.

            Everyone must question any negative preset standards (Negation of negation).

The right to change.

Everyone must accept conflict as part of the price in redefining positions.

Everyone must practice mediation as the way to resolving differences.

Compromise becomes a justified way of life.

Each person is determined to live the process.

Everyone feels it necessary for everyone else to participate in the process.

The cause for "peace on earth, good will towards men" is only found in everyone

doing the process together.


GOD'S POSITION ON OBE/COMMON CORE, TQM, & STW (add Church Growth and Emerging Church)

            Facilitated Meeting:  God teaches Truth to man and expects him to obey it (didactic-certainty) while Satan facilitates man to "help" him discover the "truth" (dialogue-uncertainty).  You do not dialogue truth; you present truth as fact and obey it.  What Socrates did to the servant was trickerySocratic Critical Thinking.  All throughout His Word, God presents himself as TRUTH and always teaches to the truth.  Satan always dialogues, as he did with himself before his fall (Isaiah 14:12-17), as he did with Eve in the Garden before man's fall (Genesis 3:1-5), and as he tried to do with Jesus in the Wilderness, who refused to dialogue, responding with the truth:  "It is written. . ." (Matthew 4:3-10).  Satan is the master facilitator while Jesus is the master teacher.  Christ is the only master teacher when it comes to defining who God is and who we are. We are to be like him.

            Open ended:  The broad way, although it may appear right (Proverbs16:25), leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13, 14).  God is not open ended.  God has set rules for man's conduct and thoughts, and will hold man accountable for not obeying them. i.e., the Commandment to Adam (Genesis 2:16-17) and the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:3-17; Psalms 78:5-8).  Jesus did not come to destroy the law but to fulfill it and more clearly define it (John 5:17-7:29; 3:14-21; Romans 8:1-18; 2 Corinthians. 5:10, 14-21; Hebrews 9:27-28, 10:26-31; 1 Peter 4:14-19; 2 John 6-7).  God's standards are fulfilled in Christ alone (John 3:14-24).

            Non-directive:  Jesus revealed to Thomas that He is the way, the truth, and the life, and that there is none other (John 14:6).  Anyone who tries another way is a thief and is doing evil (John 10:1-10; Psalms 36:1-4; Isaiah 65:2-5; Jeremiah 14:10-16; Proverbs 21:2).  God guides and directs us in the path of righteousness.

            Aversion of any closed worldview (patriarch paradigm), resulting in patricide (the adolescent killing the father for love of the mother—the proletarian killing the bourgeoisie):  God desires that we learn to accept and obey His instructions (Proverbs 4:1-4; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Isaiah 30:20-22) and will judge all who hate them (Psalms 50:16-22; Proverbs 5:12-13, 21-23; Jeremiah 32:33).  The offense spoken of in the scriptures is that of turning anyone away from the Word of Life, not that of turning anyone away from the ways of this world.  There is no other God (Mark 12:32), no other name than Jesus Christ which can save us (Acts 4:12), no other witness of God's grace than Christ (Acts 26:22, 23), not even collectivized, can man save himself (Genesis 11:4).  Christ was offended by Satan because he always attended to the things of man and not of God (Matthew 16:23).  God is closed-minded concerning His point of view of the world and holds man accountable for refusing to accept it.  Fallen man is close-minded when he refuses to accept God's point of view (revelation) as the only true and objective point of view of the creation.  God's ways and thoughts are established forever (Hebrews:  13:8) man's values and opinions are not.

            ToleranceNon-judgmental environment:  God judged Eli for his refusal to restrain his sons (1 Samuel 3:13).  He passes judgment upon the children of those fathers who refuse to obey him (Exodus 20:5, 34:7, Numbers 14:18, Deuteronomy 5:9).  There is no "risk free" environment from God (Psalms 139:1-24) for all are accountable for their behavior, whether done in the open or in secret (Ecclesiastes 12:14, Psalms 90:8; Jeremiah 23:23-24; Ephesians 5:11-12, Hebrews 4:13).  When the Scriptures instruct man not to judge others "lest ye be judged" it is in regard to the fact that all have sinned (Romans 3:23) and are already condemned (John 3:18-20; Romans 5:18).  It means that those who are in Christ are no longer condemned (Romans 8:1) and thus, when they properly weigh themselves before God, they can judge all things (Matthew 7; John  9:39; Romans 2:1-11; Ephesians 5:11; 2 Timothy 4:2-4).  Jesus told the woman caught in adultery to "go and sin no more."  We will all give account to God our Creator for unrighteous and ungodly behavior done in a transformational Outcome Based Education classroom [OBE], Total Quality Management [TQM] encounter group, or School-To-Work [STW] taskforce meeting, Church Growth, Emerging Church, etc. group think, group hug man made institutions.  To take part in or to promote such activity is to participate in unrighteousness (Romans 1:28).

            Dialogue:  The mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart (Matthew 15:11, 17-20).  The imagination of the thoughts of the heart is full of mischief (Proverbs 6:12-14) and evil (Mark 7:20-23; Psalms 94:11) and neither respects God (Matthew 15:8,9) nor is respected by Him (Genesis 6:5; Genesis 8:21; Jeremiah 17:9,10).  Knowing the coming judgment upon the world, we are to set our minds on things above, the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and not on the things of this world, social issues of humanity (Colossians 3:2, 5-11).  We are not to be carnal-minded, sense-based Christians (1 Corinthians 2:13-15).  We are to correct those Christians who are (Galatians 6:1).  Our conversation must be that becoming one who is redeemed from their sins (Ephesians 4:20-32).  We are to have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16), and live in the spirit of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). The Great Commission is not dialogue but rather instruction: didactic (Matthew 28:19, 20), "Go ye therefore, and teach (μάθητεϋώ: to instruct, make disciples, make pupils of) all nations . . ." "teaching (διδάσκώ: didasko, i.e. didactic; to impart instruction, instill doctrine, to explain or expound, to teach)  them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: . . .".

            Social issue—sensuous, material, cosmic, respect of men:  Man often thinks that salvation is found in the things of his own making (Jeremiah 2:27-37).  God's ways are not man's ways, nor His thoughts their thoughts (Isaiah 55:8).  Those who built the tower of Babel (Genesis 11:4) as well as the scribes and Pharisees (Luke 5:21-22) participated in human reasoning and group think to solve their social problems.  While social issues are important they are not the final determinant of who we are and how we must behave.  If this were true then Jesus himself missed the opportunity of a lifetime when he turned down Satan's offer to give him the kingdoms of the world.  To focus on social issues void of God's point of view is to abide in the domain of humanism.

            Consensus—sensuous, orgiastic unity:  Coming to agreement on what "ought to be" based upon feelings is in direct defiance to God and His Word.  Jesus did as he was told, He is facts-based and obedient to a facts-based father.  Their agreement was based upon the language of facts "I am," "It is written . . ." and not the language of feeling "I feel. . .," thinking "I think. . . or human reasoning skills.  God has a point of view external to the creation and therefore it is impossible to come to consensus with his point of view through human reasoning.  There can be no consensus with God and man, except that done through His Word and His Spirit.  To do otherwise is to humanize God, to equalize him with the gods of this world.  To do so is to justify man's fallen nature, to nullify the work of Christ, to rationalize (materialize) the Holy Spirit and to glorify the divisive intellect and deviant nature of mankind.  There is no common ground between God and the world (2 Corinthians 6:14,15).  Christ was crucified because he refused to participate in consensus building.  For a Christian to participate in consensus building on social issues, he must set aside his service to God and serve this world.  He can not serve both (Matthew 6:24).

            "Christian" educators, businessmen, politicians, and ministries are using these six elements to make decisions on meeting the "felt needs" of society.  This is nothing more than socialist education (OBE), socialist business (TQM), socialist politics (STW), and socialist religion (Liberation Theology, Church Growth [CG]).  This is humanism.

The Dialectic Taxonomy

            Thesis:  The Christian's thesis must always be established on God's point of view.  This requires faith in His Word.  Anyone setting out to redefine God's Word or the Christian life based upon another point of view, be it man or angel, is deceived and is participating in deceiving others, no matter how sincere their cause.  Our opinion or point of view regarding personal and social issues does not matter in the end.  It is His point of view and His opinion, as revealed through His Word, which matters, be it in education, business, politics, and religion.  "It is written . . ." regarding God's position of any personal or social issue is more important than what you and I individually or collectively "think" or "feel."  To make God's position subject to "I think. . ." or "I feel . . ." only justifies our participation in the ways of the world.  In Christ "I know that I know that I know."  Let our knowing (faith in God) put to shame the thinking and feeling of human reason.  Many "Christian" educators, businessmen, politicians, ministers, etc., are ashamed of the gospel and have abandoned their former position in an effort to attain or retain the respect of men, which can only be gained through "I think. . ." and "I feel . . ."  IN the end, one's thesis is either established in God or is relative to the process of human thinking, feeling, and reasoning.  The process of change being promoted in OBE, TQM, and STW is moving Christians off their "It is written . . ." position and moving them down the path of so-called higher order thinking skills.  This requires participation in Antithesis.

            Antithesis:  The apostle Paul warned Timothy to avoid antithesis (oppositions) if it is found outside of the study of true (hard) science (1 Timothy 6:20).  The so-called science Paul was addressing is the "scientific method" being used in OBE, TQM, and STW.  Sociology, psychology, anthropology, and socio-psychology are all so-called sciences.  They can never define man made in the image of God according to God's definition of man, and when used along with the Word of God only end up pervert the Word of God.  This always results in the destruction of one's faith in God and His Word.  Antithesis is Obverse.  God can not think obverse towards himself and never asks anyone else to think obverse regarding His Word.  Why "Christian" educators, businessmen, legislators, and ministers participate in antithesis is beyond me.  For it is the very destruction of their faith in God.

            Synthesis:  Any attempt to unite thesis and antithesis, what "is" and what "ought to be," subject and object, space and time to determine what is right is futile.  Anyone who sets out to find truth or meaning to life by this means is simply following the same path taken by those at the tower of Babel and at Sodom and Gomorrah.  This is the path of OBE, TQM, and STW.  The synthesis mind, the transformational mind, in morals, is a homosexual mind.  It is the mind of one who is destined for the harsh judgment of God unless they repent of their sin (Romans 1:16-32).  This includes "Christian" educators, businessmen, politicians, and ministers.

Find scriptures which respond to the sub phases, thesis, antithesis, and synthesis as well as the steps of behavioral change used by OBE, TQM, STW and CG.

For example:

            Your position on an issue:  Romans. 1:16; Ephesians. 6:10-18, Corinthians. 10:5

            Your definition of your position:  Matthew. 4:4, 7, 10; 2 Timothy. 3:16; 2 Peter. 1:20; Matthew. 22:29.

            Your self-realization that you can not redefine your position:  1 Peter. 5:6; Philippians. 2:8; Micah 6:8; Acts 2:19; Matthew. 18:4.

  © Institution for Authority Research, Dean Gotcher 1997